function vetAnswers4(){ var yes = 0; var no = 0; for (var i=1;i<8;i++) { if (eval('document.xlaapmform4.answer' + i + '.value') !='') { yes++; } } if (yes == 7) { return true; } else { alert('Please answer all the questions before submitting'); return false; } } function xlaapmsubmit4(){ if (vetAnswers4()){ xlaapm2 ='','xlaapm2','toolbar=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=500,height=350'); document.xlaapmform4.submit(); xlaapm2.focus(); location.href = location.href; } } document.write('
1) Drivers - what is your normal destination?<\/b><\/font><\/td><\/tr>
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2) Drivers - what time do you normally arrive at the slug line?<\/b><\/font><\/td><\/tr>
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3) What day(s) do you normally drive?<\/b><\/font><\/td><\/tr>
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Your Comments :<\/font>