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Slugs to Avoid

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Topic: Slugs to Avoid
Posted By: Oosik
Subject: Slugs to Avoid
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2006 at 5:38pm
I find some of the other driver comments to be amusing with regard to some of their "bad slugs." Frankly, I have had great passengers who give me the morning welcome, say goodby and thanks when they leave, and pretty much leave me to my own thoughts while I drive.

The only problem slugs I have had were the two guys who decided I was taking three despite my not offering to take three. But, I can't really call them bad slugs since neither one got a ride in my car. But in reality, my worst slug so far is the guy who farted in my car and then didn't have the common decency to own up to it and excuse himself.[xx(] If only I could have figured out which one it was...

Posted By: tlschau
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2006 at 2:17pm
That's only happened to you once?

Posted By: lajamc3
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2006 at 9:04pm
Generally, I've met some great folks who make the ride in much more enjoyable and pass more quickly, literally and figuratively. BUT, there is one church lady who drives me NUTS! Not only does she insist on prostheletyzing and offending me with her comments, but she actually played all of her cell phone messages on speaker phone today, and launches into loud, long conversations with whoever else is in the car. She once had the nerve to tell me to turn my radio down too!! She carries bags full of stuff and digs around looking for religious tracts to give me. UGH. There's a good reason the 'rules' of slugging include a no religion or politics clause! I was raised to be polite and have just about bitten my tongue off, but I may decline to give her a ride the next time.
Thanks to all of the other slugs who make my morning! (and my boss's since I'm actually on time for work for a change!)

Posted By: chmp
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2006 at 7:53am
Yeah that lady drives me nuts too. I think it is rude that she is CONSTANTLY trying to handout her religous stuff and this is not just a nice little about our church pamphlet, I been in the car with her enough and she has full on tapes, books, and pamphlets about becoming a new creation and assuring your place in heaven and some crazy lady who saw Jesus or something like that. I keeping meaning to carry Book of Mormons so I can offer her one when she starts offering her crap. Give her a taste of her own medicine and see how uncomfortable it makes people when she does that. I feel for the drivers that get that in their own car. Religion is great, but does not have a place in slugging!!!

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2006 at 8:49am
Religion has a place nowhere. Religion is just following a checklist to keep one's butt out of eternal damnation.

Faith has a place everywhere. It is everywhere. Everyone has faith in something. What we do is determined by where we place that faith, whether it is in a divine being, ourselves or our possessions. Everyone is relying on something to now and the future.

If we were all driven by a common faith, there MIGHT be must less discussion on a board like this. Discussion, whether as complaints, gripes or bitching, would be greatly reduced were we to practice some of the timeless principles of treating others like you'd like to be treated, going out of our way to make others more comfortable than we are (even at the expense of our own comfort), and allowing for others to have a bad day or maybe even engaging others in conversation to lighten their load a little and reduce the tension so many have these days.

Not talking utopia, but am talking about caring for neighbors and that only happens by engaging in others' lives.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: slugdriverandslugrider
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2006 at 8:56am
To be a little "tongue in cheek" ... why not "turn the other cheek"?

Instead of doling out her comeuppance, no matter how well deserved, by disseminating material that she may find abrasive, why not print out the rules of slugging and hand her a copy of that.

Maybe she is so involved in her own religious catechism that she simply does not know that she is in error.

Rule #2
"No conversations of religion, politics, or sex. Enough said..."

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2006 at 9:48am
clap clap clap clap clap clap NS B!!!!

And I caught heat on another topic for cracking a joke about feeling uncomfortable listening to a polital sermon on the evils of Democrats!

GMHP was hea!

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2006 at 12:20pm
Thanks for setting the ethical/social bar so high, NoSB. We should all try to be more like you! "Common Faith," my foot. That's funny!

Pleeeeeze! This is a free country, and we all have free will. In order to live in this society we all have to have some tolerance of those who, for whatever reason, are different than we are.

BTW, "complaints, gripes or bitching..." in this forum serves a purpose; it allows people a safe way to vent, they share opinions and feelings, they encourage learning, they help people understand other views, and maybe encourage a littl tolerance, all in a risk free environment.

Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2006 at 8:27am
Bump this topic up above the spam

Posted By: Driver1234
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2006 at 7:04pm
After 10 years of being a slug driver I was finally compelled to leave a message here. I just picked up three guys from the Pentagon. When I got to Stafford one of the men sat in the front seat of my car and informed me that I should not pick up slugs anymore. I had received a call from my boss and was on the phone (very loudly according to this man). He also said that he had to text message his wife to keep from being so angry that he would kick my f@#$ing ass. He informed me that slugs are taking rides as a way to unwind from work and I was inconsiderate. He told me to put a sign in my window that I would be talking on the cell phone.

I informed him that if he saw my car again he should not get in the vehicle. I was totally shocked at his behavior. I can't count the number of times that I have overlooked slugs talking on the phone and just last week had a flat tire and the guy in the back seat would not even get out to help. He sat right over the area where I had to jack the car up. A very nice lady got out and helped.

I don't know if I've missed the boat but I was thinking that since I pay for the gas, parking, vehicle upkeep, must keep alert and get everyone home safe, not to mention insurance and keeping the car clean, that this also entitled me to to talk on the cell phone.

Have I missed something?


Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 7:07am
[V] That's just America and Northern Virginia 2006 where there are some sad souls who have the "Me first, screw you, & I follow no rules but my own" attitude. [V]

Posted By: DC2RV
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 7:34am
Driver1234 - there seems to be this trend of late of trying to shove the so-called "Rules of Slugging" down other peoples throats. Instead of understanding that the "rules" are guidelines, and making allowances (i.e., going with the flow), they insist on a literal, rigid interpretation; assuming of course that every situation, day, person, line, etc... is the same all the time.

A pox upon them. Avoid that J&%#ass and the person who wouldn't move when you had a flat as well.

Posted By: slugcarrier
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 7:34am
Here's what I would have done. First tell him to mind his own f****** business, then say, "Hey, listen while I make another call." Then call 911 and tell the Stafford Sheriff's Dept dispatcher that you had a moron in your vehicle who just communicated a threat to you. Watch him high tail it out of your car, watch which car he gets into, take the tag number, and give it to the deputy when he arrives.

Posted By: happycommuter
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 7:53am

You have it correct when you talked about Northern Virginian's "me first attitdue"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 8:22am
Sorry about that Driver1234, that person was obviously an inconsiderate fool with a bad attitude. FYI, as long as the ride is safe and speedy, I have no problem with drivers who take a call on their phone. As a fellow driver, however, I have noticed, as many others have, that when people talk on the phone their attention to driving and driving skills decline.

Generally, driving and cell phones are not a good mix, so be careful! But, barring a near-firey-death-in-a-blazing-ten-car-pile-up experience, that does not excuse that slug's behavior.

Posted By: slugdriverandslugrider
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 9:39am
First and foremost, the slug obviously handled the situation completely wrong. The person has no tact, couth, nor respect. It was a threat and calling the authorities would not have been out of the realm of good judgment.

That being said...

Originally posted by DC2RV
[br]Driver1234 - there seems to be this trend of late of trying to shove the so-called "Rules of Slugging" down other people’s throats.

It is time to face reality. Slugging is gaining popularity. The small community of folks that has comprised the slug population (both drivers and riders) is increasing exponentially on a monthly basis.

The tight community of the past knew the “rules” and abided by them for the most part. The looser community of folks in today’s slug world is comprised of recent converts who simply got fed up with gas prices, train schedules, traffic density, etc.

They jumped in head first to the pool because it looked refreshing. They never checked if there were pool rules that they needed to follow first. And how could they be blamed for wearing those cut-off jeans that frayed and clogged up the filter so the pool filters broke and then the pool had to be shut down? The rules were posted in cyberspace not at the pool. Heck, they didn’t even know the pool had a web site. No one told them because they thought it would be shoving the pool rules concept down their throats. So everyone just went about their routines at the pool with no order but the hope that everyone would just do the right thing.


Instead of understanding that the "rules" are guidelines, and making allowances (i.e., going with the flow), they insist on a literal, rigid interpretation; assuming of course that every situation, day, person, line, etc... is the same all the time.

How can someone possibly be expected to use the “rules” as guidelines if they may not even be aware of their existence? This blind hope that everyone will just live by the “golden rule”, espouse common courtesy, good judgment, etc. is all well and good… I wish Utopia was a reality… but it’s not. Even if the majority of the personnel live by these credos, the minority who do not can have a devastating effect.

The truth of my statement is manifest in these forums. Wait a minute before you reply to this. Really look at these forums. Seriously. Study them a bit and see what they are about. If people lived by this Utopian ideal of ‘bliss in slugging’ then this forum would be poorly attended.

Fine. Call them “Guidelines” if that will be easier for people to digest. I agree… go with the flow. Make allowances for circumstances that will invariably necessitate the deviation from the spirit of the “Guidelines”. But… at least provide people with a base set of information regarding slugging.

What if…. What if… that driver did post or provide a base set of Guidelines for slugging, then simply stated:

“Hello. Just to let you know… rule #4 – no cell phones – will not be in effect today.”

The situation never would have occurred. Granted the slug was wrong, but why give them the chance to be wrong? Shut that door before someone even walks through it.

Many people have argued that bringing the “Guidelines” to people's attention is an attempt to ‘brain-wash’ or ‘shove it down their throats’ or ‘over control’. Are not education and information empowering and liberating? Are not ignorance and obfuscation really the tools of the oppressors?

Posted By: go2grl
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 10:57am

Would you give us a description of this fellow? Based on what you've said, I know I would not want to pick him up.


Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 11:01am

interesting comments you had above the latest rant. i think you know better than to think I was implying what you insinuated concerning "common faith".

The most notable point to respond to is that this: if you set low goals/standards, they're definitely easier to achieve. I choose not to do that (although I'll be the first to admit I fail at achieving the higher standards in ALL cases), but would like others to consider a higher standard of courtesy in dealing with others---even me. Thanks for your comments. I look forward to your response.


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 11:24am
Dear lord!! I am a native NY'r, I thought WE had a bad stereotype of being rude and bad drivers. I tend to think that no matter where you are, there is a mixture of good and bad- whether itpertains to a driver, passenger, or person in general. Sorry for your bad experience, the guy was probably having a bad day, and decided to take it out on you.

GMHP was hea!

Posted By: slugdriverandslugrider
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 12:40pm
Originally posted by getmehome pweeze
[br]Dear lord!! I am a native NY'r, I thought WE had a bad stereotype of being rude and bad drivers.

The difference is that in NY it's the tourists. Everyone knows that native NY'ers are nice.

If you drive in Virginia... it's the Maryland drivers who are the rude ones. If you live in Maryland it's the Virginia drivers. And we all know DC folks are the worst.

Oh, and NoSb... I assume by 'rant' you mean 'well thought out argument'.(?)


Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 1:03pm

but, of course, aren't they all?


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: slugdriverandslugrider
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 1:14pm
I always knew you were my favorite !

Posted By: Galah
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 4:12pm
Sorry, I thought the topic was Slugs to avoid, not rule enforcement.

I fall into that new to slugging "looser community" that SD&SR mentioned in his rant/well thought out argument, but I DID read through the material on the website first. It really is an intimadating community you have here.

Just don't think its a good idea to "over organize" slugging...before you know it we'll have to start paying someone for time and materials to hand out the rules/guidelines, then we'll have to pay someone else to enforce them, then...hmmmm, starting to sound like a job for the federal government!

I DO like the idea of posting about slugs and/or rides to avoid, it helps to both spread the word about unacceptable behavior as well as allowing a nice rant/well thought out argument in a forum that is pretty accesible to all participants.

Posted By: slugdriverandslugrider
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 4:48pm
Come now my anti-establishment non-conformist friend. Why always look for a reason not to do something? Perplexing indeed. Simply copy the rules and have them laminated at Kinko's. The slug community would have a preponderance of preserved plastic for perpetual presentation without proffer or profit.

Total cost of about 15 cents. Drivers and slugs save more than that in one trip. (Almost as much as that black Skillcraft pen you took from work... come on you know you did...)

FYI - Don't use $$ as the issue as it clearly is not. Go with the trepidation of the Czarist society we will become if this horror should be realized. It's a stronger argument. Yet... easily combated and summarily dismissed. I rest my case your honor.


Sorry, I thought the topic was Slugs to avoid, not rule enforcement.

Oh, my fault... was there some rule about what is ok to post in this thread and what is not? I didn't know because I have never been made aware of this by anyone. Geesh... if only I had a copy of some guidelines to go by... I could then choose to ignore these guidelines or follow them but at least I would be aware of them.

Posted By: Driver1234
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 9:26pm
I appreciate all the feedback. I have to admit that I actually thought talking on the phone was prohibited by riders not the driver. I actually use my commute many times to make or take calls. I know the safety issue but use hands free and voice dial. Actually I am retired from law enforcement and think that policeman drive with a lot more distrations everyday and don't get in accidents. I think it is just a matter of your priority and ability to multi-task.

That being said, I was not able to get the person's name nor plate number. He was a white male, about 5'10" talk, wearing gray rimmed glasses, short cropped hair but longer than military. He had a pentagon (as well as other) badges but I could not see a name. I didn't over react at the HOV lot because I just chalked it up to him being a rude jerk and let it be at that.

This morning when I picked up my passengers I informed them that I might be taking or making a call. They thought I was nuts telling them that and when I explained the story they pretty much thought along the lines of these posts. Ironically one of them received a call and I did not.

I hope that I can go another 10 years without an incident. I figure that over the last ten years I've taken between 90,000 - 120,000 people to work or home. Having a couple of jerks in that number is certainly better odds than the number of jerks I ran in to in my twenty years of law enforcement.


Posted By: Driver1234
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2006 at 9:29pm
Oops, after I typed it I noted a math problem. That is 9,000 - 12,000 people to work or home. Don't want to get spammed for a math problem.


Posted By: Galah
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 10:25am
I prefer rational anarchist, but I can understand the mistaken identity.

It's ALWAYS about the money!

Posted By: JK 14 n G
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 1:17pm
Slugcarrier- While I find your advice amusing, calling the sheriff's office and all, I want you and everyone else to know that it is not good advice. I was a 911 operator for 3 years. 911 is for EMERGENCIES ONLY, and while a verbal threat is still a threat, it is not an emergent situation. There is another number for the Stafford Sheriff's Office-it's called the NON-EMERGENCY number, and everyone living and doing business in stafford should have it on speed dial.That number is 540-658-4400.

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!

Posted By: SpongeBob
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 1:44pm
Omigod! Some actually useful advice on this board. Will wonders never cease?

Thanks, JK 14 n G, for joining! Welcome to the craziness.

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2006 at 2:45pm
lol...true true. Thanks 14th...

GMHP was hea!

Posted By: slugcarrier
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2006 at 8:12am

Originally posted by JK 14 n G
[br]Slugcarrier- While I find your advice amusing, calling the sheriff's office and all, I want you and everyone else to know that it is not good advice. I was a 911 operator for 3 years. 911 is for EMERGENCIES ONLY, and while a verbal threat is still a threat, it is not an emergent situation. There is another number for the Stafford Sheriff's Office-it's called the NON-EMERGENCY number, and everyone living and doing business in stafford should have it on speed dial.That number is 540-658-4400.

Thanks JK, that's good info to know.

Let's fill up the Rt. 17 lot and ease up on Mine Rd.!!

Posted By: SuTaRiCh
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2006 at 11:55am
I am fairly new the slugging and have a question of proper form here. The other afternoon I got into a car at the Pentagon, heading to Rte. 17. By the time we had reached that place on 395 where you suddenly lose lanes, it became clear to me that I was in real danger. The driver was so tired, she could barely focus. She clearly didn't see the big van she nearly side-swiped. Down near Edsel Rd., she clearly didn't see the tow truck parked in the breakdown lane, didn't see the door swing open, and didn't see the driver exit until she passed him (no effort to move over, slow down, anything) and he flung his arms up in the air like he'd been hit. We drifted to the left (from the left lane) several times (she jerked back into the lane) and she actually hit the road bumps that tell you you are drifting. I watched her eyes close several times.

What do you do??? Offer to drive? Ask to be let out on the highway? Cough a lot? Oh, and then we had to point out that she was about to pass the exit for 17 - her reply, "Oh, where did I pick you up?? I'm glad you said something". I probably should have said "get some sleep" when I got out of the car, but frankly I was thinking about kissing the ground at that point.

Posted By: N_or_S_bound
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2006 at 12:10pm
Wow, interesting ride, eh?

Opening a conversation with a driver who is obviously dozing off would seem appropriate (even if slug rules say slugs don't talk). An opening question/statement to the effect that they appear tired might be a good starting point. From there a suggestion that you drive might be in order and appropriate.

When you saw her eyes close you could've cranked the AC to max cold to wake her up some!


SOV because you can, HOV because you care!

Posted By: getmehome pweeze
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2006 at 1:12pm
She wasnt driving a Mustang by any chance, was she? I had this happen about a year ago. I was in the back seat, my husband in the front passenger. The women started to "drift off" in both senses of the word. My husband actually had to grab the steering wheel and jerk the car back in its proper lane. She was quite embarrassed and apologetic after that, never mind awake.

GMHP was hea!

Posted By: DC2RV
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2006 at 1:36pm
It would be appropriate to ask, "Is everything ok" and then try to carry on a conversation. That's what I did a few years ago.

I was in the back and could see the driver was nodding off ( or so I thought because of the head bob). The person in the passenger seat confirmed it as she glanced back at me with terror in her eyes...

Luckily we didn't have to go as far as Rte 17 (Rolling Valley was the destination), but if we had, I'd have offered to drive.

Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2006 at 2:48pm
SuTaRiCh, you are absolutely within your rights to speak up. I would have shouted out, "Hey there, let's stay awake so we all arrive safely!" You could suggest opening the window to let some fresh air in, turning on the radio, etc. You are justified in your intervention, whatever you feel is necessary, for the safety of everyone on the road. And if the driver takes offense, that is their problem. Take heart in the fact that you may have just saved their life and those of others on the road!

Posted By: SuTaRiCh
Date Posted: 07 Sep 2006 at 6:49pm
Thanks all! I sure hope never to be in that situation again, but I sure welcome some of the suggestions and advice. I am pretty sure it wasn't a mustang, by the way, think it was too big a sedan but I really don't know what it was other than 'older'. White, with blue roof, 4 doors. I was in the back, so had a good view of eyes in the rear view mirror (which was rarely checked).

Posted By: barrington
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2006 at 1:44pm
First and foremost, 99.9% of the slugs I've transported have been great. I'm normally looking for just one slug. Have twice ended up with two slugs -- most recently after I indicated one and two got in the car asking if two was okay while sitting down (by the one who was distracted by her cell phone which she continued to use almost all the way home and who stopped only then because she lost her connection). Please only a short cell phone conversation to provide an ETA home if necessary.

Posted By: shelbybrynn
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2006 at 11:30am
The best way to deal with both slugs and drivers who have etiquette problems is to refuse to ride with or give them a ride. If they went to get in the car, you could politely tell them your problem with their etiquette. That way they get the point, and you aren't stuck putting up with their bad behavior again. It works like a charm!!

Posted By: skyja83
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2006 at 9:39am

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