A hybrid picking up slugs!
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Forum Name: Hybrids
Forum Description: This area is devoted to the discussion of hybrid vehicles and their impact to the HOV.
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Topic: A hybrid picking up slugs!
Posted By: guishermo
Subject: A hybrid picking up slugs!
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 7:59am
I saw a hybrid at the rolling valley
slug line this morning picking up
people for the Pentagon or Crystal City.
What does everyone think?
Posted By: TWO
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 9:10am
I think it's great! Proof that hybrid owners *can* pickup additional riders!
Posted By: DC2RV
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 1:22pm
Don't get too excited - a hybrid driver regularly picks up at 19 & F in the PM.
The question is - do they pick up riders even if they have an exemption? If so, then get excited.
Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 3:17pm
Not all hybrids have the exemption for HOV-3.
To have it, they must have the pre-July 2006 clean-fuel tag, and be one of the makes and models listed at the DMV clean-fuel website.
All others must have 3 on board to legally use the HOV-3 lanes.
Posted By: guishermo
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2008 at 5:22pm
I see, well this was a Toyota Prius, but I don't know about the sticker or year.
Slugging till HOT
Posted By: sluDgE
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2008 at 7:02am
The Prius is one of the hybrids on the DMV list -- so the Prius you saw may have had one of the newer clean-fuel plates issued after July 2006 and can't legally go SOV on HOV-3.
... or it could have been a Prius with the older plates (that are legal for SOV on HOV-3) whose driver is a kind and caring soul who shares his ride to work with others.
In either case, we thank that hybrid driver for participating in the slug system!
Posted By: winglover1
Date Posted: 27 May 2008 at 9:19pm
People have been pretty hard on Hybrid owners on this site. What the difference when a Hybrid getting 50 MPG goes solo and when a guy pulls in to pick up Slugs who has ample room for four, but only takes one? His gas mileage wouldn't have suffered very much taking two more, and it would have helped a lot with the line at Herndon Monroe. Personally I take as many as will comfortably fit in my 93 Camry. I usually put my stuff in the trunk, so I can take up to four people. As long as the bumper doesn't drag on the ground! [:0]
AKA Mr. Bill
Oh Nooo!!!
Posted By: Leatherneck
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2008 at 7:23pm
New guy to the forums here. But I've been a vanpool passenger/driver/owner for almost 30 years, plying 95/395 between PWC and the Pentagon every day.
My observation: about one out of ten hybrids care enough to take any extra passengers.And they hog the left lane worse than the average HOV driver--probably eight or nine out of ten simply cruise in the left lane, refusing to move over even when signalled (a violation of VA state law), running on a cloud of smug.
News to the hybrids: if you want to stop wasting gas, get a van. My 12-passenger van at 12 MPG trumps your (claimed) 50 mpg hybrid with one occupant by a factor of three passenger-miles per gallon. And it takes up only one space on the highway--same as you.
Hybrid owners: please get off your high horse, get out of the left lane, and get a van.
Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2008 at 2:40pm
quote: Originally posted by Leatherneck
New guy to the forums here. But I've been a vanpool passenger/driver/owner for almost 30 years, plying 95/395 between PWC and the Pentagon every day.
My observation: about one out of ten hybrids care enough to take any extra passengers.And they hog the left lane worse than the average HOV driver--probably eight or nine out of ten simply cruise in the left lane, refusing to move over even when signalled (a violation of VA state law), running on a cloud of smug.
News to the hybrids: if you want to stop wasting gas, get a van. My 12-passenger van at 12 MPG trumps your (claimed) 50 mpg hybrid with one occupant by a factor of three passenger-miles per gallon. And it takes up only one space on the highway--same as you.
Hybrid owners: please get off your high horse, get out of the left lane, and get a van.
By your calculations, you are getting 144 passenger MPGs (12 passengers x 12 MPGs) and you are taking 11 other cars off the road saving their fuel consumption, omitting their pollution and reducing traffic congestion. That's 300% better pMPGs than an SOV hybrid, without even considering the savings of taking 11 additional vehicles off the road. Bravo Leatherneck!
Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2008 at 9:10am
Imagine how much better it would be if instead of a van it were a bus!
raymond - YOU should take the bus!
leatherneck - it's NOT about the mileage. That's just an added benefit. There is NO exemption for HOV based on mileage. Per the Post article previously quoted, you need to be HOV-15 to keep up with a hybrid in that area. Add a few more seats to that van of yours.
The lane hogs I see are usually SUVs.
Posted By: n/a
Date Posted: 25 Jul 2008 at 3:07pm
quote: Originally posted by NoSUV
Imagine how much better it would be if instead of a van it were a bus!
raymond - YOU should take the bus!
leatherneck - it's NOT about the mileage. That's just an added benefit. There is NO exemption for HOV based on mileage. Per the Post article previously quoted, you need to be HOV-15 to keep up with a hybrid in that area. Add a few more seats to that van of yours.
The lane hogs I see are usually SUVs.
I agree, its not about the mileage.
HOV commuting is about the increased MPG per commuter, the reduced pollution, the reduced traffic congestion, the reduced dependency on foriegn oil, the reduced commute time, the reduced maintainence expenses on the vehicles that do not make the trip up I95, the reduced depreciation on vehicles that are parked while their drivers HOV, and on and on. Its about doing something that is smart because it is smart, and not just because you get a government entitlement for it. Its about thinking of unique ways to do many smart things with benefits beyond your own pocketbook, NoSUV, without spending big $$ on buying into the latest fashionable trend.
You are correct, "There is NO exemption for HOV based on mileage..." and that's not the point. The point is there are many ways to reduce the negative impact of our lifestyle. Carpooling is a smart choice. Spending big money on the latest fad that may help you sleep well at night, but does little to promote smart choices, well, its not smart.
Until you fill up those empty seats, NoSUV, you have not done what you know you should do. Feeling a little guilty? Come on, you know you want to! Your conscience is telling you the same thing, just listen, "carpool! carpool!" it says. "Pick up some slugs!" it says. Whispering in your ear as you drive past the commuter lot, its says, "pull over and let 'em in, try it, its easy, its smart!" Just listen to your conscience!
Posted By: NoSUV
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2008 at 1:04pm
raymond - if you REALLY mean what you post, you would be taking the bus or another means of mass transit.
Or are you a hypocrit?
Posted By: toomuchcoffeelady
Date Posted: 06 Nov 2008 at 11:08am
quote: Originally posted by NoSUV
raymond - if you REALLY mean what you post, you would be taking the bus or another means of mass transit.
Or are you a hypocrit?
Could you mean a hypocritE?
NoSUV, if you were really such a bleeding heart supporter of pubilc transit, you'd live up in Arlington and take the bus everywhere, rather than live down 95 and own a car - yes, even a hybrid one.