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Using the AC to much to ask?

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Topic: Using the AC to much to ask?
Posted By: RetiredMarine
Subject: Using the AC to much to ask?
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2010 at 8:30am
In the last two weeks I have been in three cars that didn't use the AC. When they pulled up the windows were up so you would assume the AC was on. I have a great respect for those drivers who pull up windows down telling you they have no AC. The way home it doesn't matter as much.

When I am the driver I always ask the riders if you get to cold or to hot please let me know. Many drivers do the same.

Little to humid not to use AC, just my opinion.

Posted By: Bodybykids
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2010 at 9:05am
I have ridden in the backseat a few times in the last week and experienced the same but I believe the AC is on however its not reaching the back seat. If the driver turns it up, then it gets really cool in the front whereas the back is just reaching comfortable. Another problem I experience is it takes some time for my car to cool off inside since it sits outside in a parking lot all day with no cover. I don't drive that often but I know these are problems in my car. I don't mind, if I am driving, if my passengers ask me to adjust the temp but if I am a passenger, I just deal with it. My drive to 234 is relatively short and although warm it isnt unbearable and I just appreciate the ride back to my car.

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2010 at 4:29pm
When its really hot (as it has been ALL summer) some cars, particularly older cars are not going to be able to get teh car as cool as a brand new car might be able to. My 2005 Mercury gets cool when we are in motion but for some reason, idling it just won't get cold. As a result I do not pick up slugs when I drive that vehicle because I don't want to deal with explaining that to perspective slugs. Instead I either leave work early or take back roads home (thank you GPS!).


Posted By: RetiredMarine
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2010 at 7:55am
The cars in question have been newer cars a PT Cruiser, Ford Explorer and a Saturn

Posted By: Rickie
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2010 at 8:27am
Maybe you can point to that sign, "Your wife's HOT! Fix the AC" and hopefully they get the clue. But then again, that sign is close to Springfield and you've already spent 20 minutes...sorry

Posted By: go2grl
Date Posted: 02 Aug 2010 at 11:18am
Originally posted by CJ

When its really hot (as it has been ALL summer) some cars, particularly older cars are not going to be able to get teh car as cool as a brand new car might be able to. My 2005 Mercury gets cool when we are in motion but for some reason, idling it just won't get cold. As a result I do not pick up slugs when I drive that vehicle because I don't want to deal with explaining that to perspective slugs. Instead I either leave work early or take back roads home (thank you GPS!).


My 10 year old Passat does the same thing. For me, it's not a big deal. The few times I do drive during the warm/hot/humid days, I ride alone instead of picking up slugs so they don't have to put up with it. Again, common courtesy comes into play.

Posted By: Pele
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2010 at 7:13am

Originally posted by CJ

When its really hot (as it has been ALL summer) some cars, particularly older cars are not going to be able to get teh car as cool as a brand new car might be able to. My 2005 Mercury gets cool when we are in motion but for some reason, idling it just won't get cold. As a result I do not pick up slugs when I drive that vehicle because I don't want to deal with explaining that to perspective slugs. Instead I either leave work early or take back roads home (thank you GPS!).


Originally posted by go2grl
My 10 year old Passat does the same thing. For me, it's not a big deal. The few times I do drive during the warm/hot/humid days, I ride alone instead of picking up slugs so they don't have to put up with it. Again, common courtesy comes into play.

In 1995, Car manufacturers switched over to a new chemical in the A/C system called R134a. Prior to that, cars used something called R12.

R12 eats holes in the ozone layer, but it cools MUCH better than the new stuff.

R134a requires higher pressure to cool. Hence why the cars only get cool when you're in motion and not while idling. While idling the compressor is not running as fast, obviously.

That aside, please, Please, PLEASE reconsider not picking up slugs... I'd rather sit in an un-air conditioned car for the 30 minute ride to Horner. Rd than wait around 20-30 mins for a ride on that hot bench at the Pentagon.

Times to beat:
Horner Rd to/from Pentagon: 12 mins Without Slugs - 17 mins With slugs
Dale City exit to/from 3rd St Tunnel, D.C. 18 mins (No slugs - Holiday)

Posted By: SuTaRiCh
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2010 at 11:36am
I nearly typed this on my blackberry on Friday, but was feeling queasy enough without trying to do that. On Friday I got in to a car at the Pentagon just after 3 PM. It was a hot and humid day. The car windows were up. The driver was in shorts and a t-shirt. I was in work clothes (and had been standing in the sun for 15 minutes). He did NOT have the AC on - just blowing air. That just didn't cut it. I was about dead by the time I got to Rte 17, 2 hours later. I'm sorry, I really think a little courtesy is needed here...

Posted By: Bodybykids
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2010 at 9:34am
That was inconsiderate. I was running late last week mostly everyday and ended up driving. Coming home I picked up two ladies on Crystal drive and being I just left the parking lot, the car was hot. I did let them know that I had just gotten in the car, however, the car did not get really cool and it was a warm drive home. I apologized to them but have since figured out that I had a wrong button pressed and by unpressing that one the car would cool a lot faster. I don't mind my passengers telling me they are uncomfortable - be it too cool or too hot.

Posted By: carsmusthaveAC
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2010 at 9:00pm
That is the worst thing about slugging. People are so cheap and swear that running the AC burns gas. Well than DONT PICK PEOPLE UP. I now ask if they have AC before I get in because I refuse to sit there and sweat to death. I even had people tell me that they dont turn it on for that reason. I have pin pointed a few cars that I will not get in whatsoever. I will also not get in anything that is 2 door. Some people are completely ignorant and should not be picking up if you dont want to make people comfortable.

Posted By: Pele
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2010 at 6:53am

At highway speeds, the extra wind resistance caused by windows down actually consumes more fuel than running the A/C.

Times to beat:
Horner Rd to/from Pentagon: 12 mins Without Slugs - 17 mins With slugs
Dale City exit to/from 3rd St Tunnel, D.C. 18 mins (No slugs - Holiday)

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2010 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by carsmusthaveAC

That is the worst thing about slugging. People are so cheap and swear that running the AC burns gas. Well than DONT PICK PEOPLE UP. I now ask if they have AC before I get in because I refuse to sit there and sweat to death. I even had people tell me that they dont turn it on for that reason. I have pin pointed a few cars that I will not get in whatsoever. I will also not get in anything that is 2 door. Some people are completely ignorant and should not be picking up if you dont want to make people comfortable.

I like your line about people being so cheap... as you get into a car with a complete stranger so YOU don't have to pay for gas... "ring,ring kettle pot's on the phone... its for you!"


Posted By: Checkers
Date Posted: 19 Aug 2010 at 7:45pm
Myth Busters busted the myth re windows vs ac. Really!

Posted By: Bodybykids
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2010 at 7:42am
I don't slug because I am cheap. I think its a great way to commute. I drive a Chevy Astro Van that uses gas like water and I think its crazy to burn gas for just me to go to work. Its different when the whole family is in the van. A lot of people slug because parking may be non-existent where they work or outrageously expensive. People slug to get help the environment go green. Its also great for those of us who can find a better use for the gas money and being a sole occupant of a vehicle and contributing to the "95 Corridor" gridlock. I can go on and on and on about the benefits of slugging such as I have met some really nice people.

Posted By: CJ
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2010 at 8:02am
@Body- I both slug and drive, denpending on my schedule and my husband's schedule but "carsmusthaveac" has a lot of nerve calling people cheap when he or she is getting a free ride. As I have mentioned before, i have a Montego that doesn't get really cool until you get going on the highway so when I drive that car, I don't pick up slugs because I don't want to deal with people coming on here and complaining, actually I have been picking up slugs ALOT less lately (and coming in pre HOV hours) because people on here have been complaining ALOT more about trivial things.


Posted By: Bodybykids
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2010 at 9:19am
I understand and I don't blame you but why let the complaints bother you. If the riders don't like the vehicle they got in.....then next time they will chose to get in a different vehicle. There will always, always be complaints because you just can't make everybody happy. I have experienced loud music, questionable music, no / low AC, no rear seat space, car driving off before I was completely out of the car, a driver who doesn't stop until their kissing the bumper in front of them - no complaint but I did note the vehicle and won't ride with them again. But the good outweighs the bad, so reconsider picking up slugs when you drive the Montego, just let them know the AC takes a little time to do its thing.

Slugs Unite!!

Posted By: BurkeSlugin
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2010 at 10:21pm
You have to be flexible to be a slug. If a slugger feels the need to control the radio station selection, the radio volume, the air conditioner temperature, etc., maybe that person is better suited to being a driver.

Posted By: deepali_anuje
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2010 at 2:48pm
@BurkeSlugin : I think this is what you say to everyone. Agreed that the driver cant control the AC/ radio station etc. But why give anyone a chance to? Why do people always have to be so inconsiderate about a passenger? Why do people have to listen to religious channels when slugging rules clearly defines that you are not suppose to. Is it not a mutual give and take? Agreed, the car is yours - but why not make the environment comforatble since you have chosen to come to the parking lot and pick up people? Why do "egos" have to pop in on so little things?

I understand some cars take a long time to start their AC's and thats fine for me. So long the driver has consideration for riders, it matters.

Posted By: Spectrepilot
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2010 at 3:24pm
Originally posted by Checkers

Myth Busters busted the myth re windows vs ac. Really!

Windows down vs. air conditioning
"Urban puzzle": it is more efficient, on a hot day, to run with the A/C on and windows up than to run with windows down (b/c of increasing car's drag).

Computer-based mpg measurements: * 11.7/11.8 with A/C on and windows up * 11.7/11.8 with A/C off and windows up * 11.3 with A/C off and windows down

So, according to the computer, it's better to use A/C with windows up.

This was too quick and easy for TV, so they decided to stage a seven hour marathon, race-til-you're-empty duel, with Jamie driving an SUV with A/C on and Adam driving an SUV with windows down. Though, once the safety inspector intervened, it was no longer a seven-hour marathon, it was a bit slower (45mph instead of 55mph), and a lot shorter (only 5 gallons each).

Jamie's A/C car ran out of gas first -- Adam's windows down SUV ran for another 30 laps -- completely contradicting the computer mpg estimate. Computer estimate based on air flow into the engine, so it would appear that it is unable to properly model the difference between A/C and windows down.


Posted By: Checkers
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2010 at 11:49pm
Originally posted by Spectrepilot

Originally posted by Checkers

Myth Busters busted the myth re windows vs ac. Really!

Windows down vs. air conditioning
"Urban puzzle": it is more efficient, on a hot day, to run with the A/C on and windows up than to run with windows down (b/c of increasing car's drag).

Computer-based mpg measurements: * 11.7/11.8 with A/C on and windows up * 11.7/11.8 with A/C off and windows up * 11.3 with A/C off and windows down

So, according to the computer, it's better to use A/C with windows up.

This was too quick and easy for TV, so they decided to stage a seven hour marathon, race-til-you're-empty duel, with Jamie driving an SUV with A/C on and Adam driving an SUV with windows down. Though, once the safety inspector intervened, it was no longer a seven-hour marathon, it was a bit slower (45mph instead of 55mph), and a lot shorter (only 5 gallons each).

Jamie's A/C car ran out of gas first -- Adam's windows down SUV ran for another 30 laps -- completely contradicting the computer mpg estimate. Computer estimate based on air flow into the engine, so it would appear that it is unable to properly model the difference between A/C and windows down.


The scientific approach to a simple question involving the law of physics is supposed to be absolute. I was so happy to hear Mythbusters' conclusion. You've popped my bubble. The law of physics was around waaaay before computers. Perhaps it is time to call in the pros -- NASCAR -- whatcha think? [:D]

Posted By: nlapietr
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2010 at 10:18am
That myth buster's episode in my opinion was crap. You don't use two separate vehicles for this as you can't measure the difference in the infinite number of variables affecting performance of the engine, etc. There was no baseline. A more accurate test (or should I say an accurate test) would have used the same vehicle for both tests. I stopped watching the show after this test in disgust.


Posted By: Pele
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2010 at 12:06pm


The pump they used to remove fuel from the tanks of the vehicles was also inaccurate...

They shoved a hose into the fuel filler openings of both vehicles. How could they be sure the hose touched the bottom of the tank? How can they be sure they removed all the fuel?

I like the fuel economy test they used in the golfball dented car test. They had a separate tank they put in the trunk of the car and they weighed it with a scale after each test run.

Times to beat:
Horner Rd to/from Pentagon: 12 mins Without Slugs - 17 mins With slugs
Dale City exit to/from 3rd St Tunnel, D.C. 18 mins (No slugs - Holiday)

Posted By: Bodybykids
Date Posted: 02 Sep 2010 at 1:01pm
Originally posted by deepali_anuje

@BurkeSlugin : I think this is what you say to everyone. Agreed that the driver cant control the AC/ radio station etc. But why give anyone a chance to? Why do people always have to be so inconsiderate about a passenger? Why do people have to listen to religious channels when slugging rules clearly defines that you are not suppose to. Is it not a mutual give and take? Agreed, the car is yours - but why not make the environment comforatble since you have chosen to come to the parking lot and pick up people? Why do "egos" have to pop in on so little things?

I understand some cars take a long time to start their AC's and thats fine for me. So long the driver has consideration for riders, it matters.

????? It's thier car....if they want to listen to religious music, WTOP, 95.5 or whatever I don't care, I have learned to tune things out that I don't want to listen to. If its "Blastin" then I might ask the driver if he/she would mind turning it down some. If they don't - I'll be miserable for 30 minutes and then on my way but be sure I took note and won't ride with them again. Its a free system and I am not going to let the little things rain on my parade [:D]

Posted By: cc@79
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2010 at 11:49am
People are comfortable at different temperatures. I'm from a more northern part of the country and personnally like it cold. At times I have had the AC going and in a t-shirt perfectly comfortable while my riders were bundled up and noticably cold to the point I made the adjustment to make them more comfortable. I have no problem with people asking me to about the temp, radio, etc. I'm happy to adjust but may not always notice someones discomfort. So, my opinon-ask. Just be courteous when doing so please and for heavens sake dont end the ride upset over something if you didnt inquire.


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