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Crowded HOV Lanes

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Topic: Crowded HOV Lanes
Posted By: SlugginFool
Subject: Crowded HOV Lanes
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 12:39am
Ok so two out of three days this week, the HOV lanes were more crowded than the regular lanes! There are too many Hybrids out there, I think they should make all Hybrids pick up a slug. Also, Hybrids should ONLY be allowed in the right lane, since I've never seen one go above 70. Be courteous to your fellow slug drivers, we are the ones that carry the load, and besides, we're all going to the same place!

Posted By: emancilla
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 9:23am
I must add that I hardly see a Hybrid going faster than 60. However, there are a lot of non-hybrid cars going slow in the left lane on HOV especially in the leg of Edsall Rd. and Springfield because the exit is located in the left side of the highway in the afternoon.
As soon as they enter the HOV at Edsall Rd. entrance they move over to the left lane causing congestion along this area because they move very slow. Others, like HOV violators, who gain access to the HOV lanes due to the open to all traffic at Edsall Rd., move also very slow because they are trying get to Springfield after 6pm.
We are hopeless unless they denied access to these people once the Mixing Bowl is finished.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 10:39am
I'm one of those Hybrid drivers ... I drive a 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. WOULDN'T I LOVE TO SLUG. My commute is from Quantico to Dulles ... certainly not condusive to ANY public transportation or slugging. My Hybrid FLIES though ... and most of the 2003s and 2004s are the same. I can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose. Though I'm wondering why you are upset about people driving 70 ... when the speed limit is 65 or less?

Posted By: FromWoodbridge
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 11:58am
There are some hybrids that do go fast, but a majority do seem to poke along. And it's not only the hybrids.

The reason people like other drivers to drive faster is because no one wants to sightsee along 95, and the left-hand lane should be the passing lane. I think the same goes for the regular lanes, but in the HOV lanes, it's especially annoying. This morning I was in the left lane and a huge SUV was going very slow, and once I got past him, I saw 2 hybrids just taking their time getting to work. I'm not advocating flying down 95/395, but when traffic warrants it, I am in favor of going 75 at least when possible.

Posted By: emancilla
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 12:06pm
Fromwoodbridge is right. Nobody wants to sightseeing along the HOV lanes. Especially if you're on your way to work or coming back home. You don't know what's going to happen next. For instance, the milestone is to get to Springfield by or before 6pm in the afternoon. Otherwise, you'll get stuck in traffic.

Posted By: harlean
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 12:57pm
Hybrids that go 65 and below, and equally slow moving other vehicles should always stay in the right lane. It's common courtesy. Either that or stop stalling traffic and hurry up.

ScarletLSG, since you say you "can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose," pray tell why don't you? Other than gas consumption, is there another viable reason why Hybrids don't like to speed up? I have been asking myself that question since I saw my first Hybrid stalling traffic on the HOVs.

I agree with FromWoodbridge, all traffic on the left lane should go at least 75. And if a slow poke from the right lane moves to the left lane - speed up and don't hold up traffic.

I also agree with SlugginFool, there ARE "too many Hybrids out there." They are not welcome on the HOV lanes and should not be allowed use them - unless they fulfill the 3 persons per vehicle rule AND don't impede the flow of traffic. Otherwise they can go to the regular lanes that move just as slow.

Posted By: Stuck2
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 3:23pm
Hybrids can't do quick acceleration -- was explained when purchased. Imagine that they are a Ford Escort.... But after a point, they can cruise at 80 mph (been there an done it). However, the cars get better gas mileage at 55-65 mph. How about all you speeders slow down a bit? I was cruising (hybrid) at 70 and I was almost taken out by an SUV in the right hand lane! I was almost run off the road by a camry out of pure rudeness.

Please note that this week is the WWII Memorial dedication and there is a definite increase in bus traffic, particularly around Seminary. And "security" has been stepped up.

Posted By: dietzf
Date Posted: 27 May 2004 at 9:58pm
It seems ridiculous to have to ask this, but why, why, WHY can't left lane hogs just get the &%$# over if they are going below the prevailing speed? Why is that so hard? It really isn't a question of whether people should be speeding or not. That is for the police to decide. It really is a question of common courtesy.

Even if I'm going 80 in the left lane on HOV or any other road, I get over if someone comes up behind me. It is not for me to say whether they should be going that fast or not. For all I know, their kid was just in an accident and is clinging to life in some hospital. Probably not, but what if? Just because you feel you have the law on your side, you feel you can just hold everyone up? Well, in Virginia, the speeders have the law on their side, too! That's right - the law is: keep right except to pass. As Dave Barry would say, you could look it up.

Just a little common courtesy would go a long way toward helping us all get where we're going safely. Poking along in the left lane causes a lot of lane shifting behind you, increasing the chance of accidents. If you just got over to the right hand lane and let people go by, you would be safer and so would they (and happier, too).


Posted By: JiggaJynx
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 6:10am
Yesterday, I watched a motorcyclist rudely flip off the driver of a car in the left lane as the cyclist careened around on the right, taking his eyes off the road and one hand off his controls. Real mature. guessed it...the car got off at the next LEFT exit. Virginia law may say "Keep right except to pass," but there are valid reasons to be in the left lane. If I'm coming up on my left exit, I'm not going to move over for some nut who wants to go 90 mph and then get blocked by traffic from my exit. Also, if I'M in the process of trying to pass, even if I'm driving a mere 75, the too-important-to-drive-sanely jerk can wait until I've finished passing and can SAFELY pull to the right.

Posted By: tdar20
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 10:48am
It seems that hybrids are the cause of all types of global calamities lately. From over congestion in the HOV lanes to stock marker fluctuations. I am amazed at how much is devoted to them and nobody seems to pick up on the amount of people that have moved into the Fredericksburg and north areas. I would agree they hybrids contribute to the issue but are far from the reason that the lanes are crowded and people move slow in the left hand lane. Just seems easier to blame them for all our problems encountered in our search for a quick way to travel 60 plus miles to work. That being said, until the law is changed I feel we need more focus on extending the HOV lanes south along 95 to try to avoid the crush of vehicles at the merge near Quantico.

Posted By: Max_28756
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 11:27am
So does anyone think the HOV lanes will have any violators in them today? It being the Memorial Day weekend, I'm sure everyone will obey the rules and sail down the highway. I hear there MIGHT be a traffic backup. Any truth to this rumor? Yes, I'm joking. Have a great weekend and I hope you have some OTHER way to get home today. Good luck!

Posted By: jenna703
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 1:17pm
Actually, I think HOV lanes on 95 are, we should at least go 75-80...that's what I did today! I picked up 3 people and my first experience picking up sluggers was great. Thank you nice, quiet and helpful sluggers! I hope you enjoyed listening to the smooth tones of wtopnews.

Originally posted by ScarletLSG
[br]I'm one of those Hybrid drivers ... I drive a 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. WOULDN'T I LOVE TO SLUG. My commute is from Quantico to Dulles ... certainly not condusive to ANY public transportation or slugging. My Hybrid FLIES though ... and most of the 2003s and 2004s are the same. I can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose. Though I'm wondering why you are upset about people driving 70 ... when the speed limit is 65 or less?

Posted By: slugguru
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 1:22pm
Thank goodness im not the only one who noticed Hybrids poking along the express lanes............... response to the left lane exits/left lane drivers.... just alot of inexperienced drivers taking long drawn left exits instead of just slowing down briefly before the exit instead of a mile or two before getting over............You dont have to come to a complete stop just to make a left exit, given the fact you still have plenty of road left to slow down once you exit!

Posted By: ronin718
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 3:34pm
Originally posted by slugguru
[br]Thank goodness im not the only one who noticed Hybrids poking along the express lanes............... response to the left lane exits/left lane drivers.... just alot of inexperienced drivers taking long drawn left exits instead of just slowing down briefly before the exit instead of a mile or two before getting over............You dont have to come to a complete stop just to make a left exit, given the fact you still have plenty of road left to slow down once you exit!

Maybe they're just trying to go easy on the brakes, reducing wear and tear. Which is more hazardous: (1) having to sit behind someone doing the speed limit as they get ready for the left exit, (2) having someone jam on their brakes as they start to get off on a left exit with little to no ramp space, or (3) having someone wait in the right/center lane until the last minute for the left exit and jump in front of someone doing 70-80?

I think I'd rather deal with the extra time for the safer approach.

Posted By: JiggaJynx
Date Posted: 28 May 2004 at 3:56pm

A calming message
the masterless Samurai
whispers to us all

(Yes, I know Sa-mu-ra-i is 4 syllables, not 3, in Japanese--a little poetic license [:D])

Posted By: Luvmyhybrid
Date Posted: 30 May 2004 at 11:22am
Hybrids are at the heart of some real frustration on this site. Of course, LE cars are running a close 2nd, and I'm wondering who would be in 3rd place if someone's actually keeping count. To me, the blame can't be placed on any ONE thing - there are slow drivers, they drive Hybrids, SUV's, Mercedes, Camry's and motorcyles. Consider the driver with 3 riders and going 55 mph in the left lane (oh by the way, she's also on her cellphone); see the 55-passenger bus w/ absolutely NO riders in the bus; and of course, there's the infamous line of Hybrids stacked up with one driver. Are all of these the sole-root of the problem? No, but added together, it can cause slowdowns. I've never seen so much complaining from people in my life. Refocus your energy, figure out how to make things better, and make some changes. If you drive slow in the left lane MOVE OVER! If you think you VIOLATE the cell-phone talking rule HANG UP! If your radio's too loud TURN IT DOWN! If you think writing to your legislators to change the HOV rules will work, then by God, WRITE A LETTER - just please quit griping! As parents we wouldn't allow our children ro complain as much as some of you do. I've noticed that several people have attempted to offer positive solutions, then get run-over by message posters that just want to complain. Go ahead, let me have it - I figured I've angered more then a few of you by now...

Posted By: JiggaJynx
Date Posted: 30 May 2004 at 3:41pm
It's the middle of a three-day weekend...relax! LMH, you seem to be very unhappy on this forum, to the point of telling everyone, in effect, to shut up. Sorry, but commuting is a frustrating task, and this message board is a safe place to vent. And just because "...we wouldn't allow our children [t]o complain as much as some of you do," doesn't mean they don't complain to people who will listen to them vent about their frustrations.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 31 May 2004 at 7:03pm

I don't disagree that if someone is poking in the left lane, they should get over. While my care EASILY accelerates to 80 mph, I tend to drive the speed limit for a couple of reasons ... it is the law ... AND ... if drive 80 mph, I get about 42mpg vs 50+mpg. I'm a military wife who didn't CHOOSE to move here. We are an enlisted family that doesn't get NEAR enough housing money to live ANYWHERE north of Quantico, so we live on base. All of the software engineering IT jobs are in the Reston/Dulles area ... buying hybrid allows my family to live in a modicum of comfort, while reducing my commute to < 2 hours.

While MANY people don't agree with the hybrid laws, it was the people of Virginia who elected the officials that made the laws. I don't even have the ability to vote in this state ... what I CAN do is follow the laws, which include speed limits AND fortunately for my family, use the HOV lanes.

I'll be sure to stay out of the left lane though ... unless I'm passing a slower hybrid (or tourist bus, or city bus, or carpool/slug car) ... tee hee.

See ya'll in the morning.


Originally posted by harlean
[br]Hybrids that go 65 and below, and equally slow moving other vehicles should always stay in the right lane. It's common courtesy. Either that or stop stalling traffic and hurry up.

ScarletLSG, since you say you "can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose," pray tell why don't you? Other than gas consumption, is there another viable reason why Hybrids don't like to speed up? I have been asking myself that question since I saw my first Hybrid stalling traffic on the HOVs.

I agree with FromWoodbridge, all traffic on the left lane should go at least 75. And if a slow poke from the right lane moves to the left lane - speed up and don't hold up traffic.

I also agree with SlugginFool, there ARE "too many Hybrids out there." They are not welcome on the HOV lanes and should not be allowed use them - unless they fulfill the 3 persons per vehicle rule AND don't impede the flow of traffic. Otherwise they can go to the regular lanes that move just as slow.

Posted By: vabigblue
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 7:40am
Originally posted by jenna703
[br]Actually, I think HOV lanes on 95 are, we should at least go 75-80...that's what I did today! I picked up 3 people and my first experience picking up sluggers was great. Thank you nice, quiet and helpful sluggers! I hope you enjoyed listening to the smooth tones of wtopnews.

Originally posted by ScarletLSG
[br]I'm one of those Hybrid drivers ... I drive a 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. WOULDN'T I LOVE TO SLUG. My commute is from Quantico to Dulles ... certainly not condusive to ANY public transportation or slugging. My Hybrid FLIES though ... and most of the 2003s and 2004s are the same. I can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose. Though I'm wondering why you are upset about people driving 70 ... when the speed limit is 65 or less?


Come on, you've got to be joking. The limit on any stretch of 95/HOV is 65. If you continue to drive 75 and 80, you're putting a lot of people at risk. Think safety first.

Posted By: Wagonman
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 8:18am
Originally posted by ScarletLSG

While MANY people don't agree with the hybrid laws, it was the people of Virginia who elected the officials that made the laws.

See ya'll in the morning.


Too bad the people that got elected can't follow Federal law.... Instead they pass these stupid exemption laws for cars that don't deserve an exemption under Federal law because they are too dirty.

Posted By: Dhacim
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 11:06am

Let's face the facts here. I'm not sure what HOV/95 you have been driving on...but the speed of traffic out there dictates going at least 70....In fact I would say going less than 70 in most stretches puts you in danger. I had a driver pass me in the narrow shoulder on the left hand side of HOV while I was going 75-80. I think that although the speed limit is 65, traffic dictates that you proceed at a faster pace. Question: Why is it that the only cars I see pulled over on HOV are single passenger violaters.....There isn't much speed enforcement going on out there during rush hour...

Posted By: vabigblue
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:03pm
I understand how fast cars are going, but don't you think 80 in a congested stretch like the HOV lanes is a little excessive? Besides, they aren't there for speed necessarily, reducing congestion is the primary reason. If everyone is going to start driving those speeds, they need to make it an oval.

Posted By: Bob
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:15pm
Given the volume of traffic in the HOV, I think the posted speed limit of 65 should be reduced to at most 60. Why? Because it was bumped up during a period when HOV usage was much less and there were fewer safety issues. I have ridden with too many folks who go up to 80 mph and I get really ticked off.

Interestingly, I had a conversation a while back with a woman who got a ticket for going 80 and guess what, it is classified as reckless driving, even though ONLY 15 over the posted limit. Generally reckless driving is 20 or more but there is a thing about 80 that it is always reckless driving.

Posted By: emancilla
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:19pm
I think 72 mph is a reasonable speed to drive. 80mph is pushing the envelop a little bit.

Posted By: emancilla
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:28pm
If I remember correctly the speed limit in the HOV was 60mph. three years ago. The 65mph. was changed recently.

Posted By: wdossel
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:36pm
Originally posted by emancilla
[br]If I remember correctly the speed limit in the HOV was 60mph. three years ago. The 65mph. was changed recently.

July'02 IIRC. In VA 20+ over the limit OR 80 mph will garner a reckless driving ticket.

- Will

Posted By: Bob
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 12:55pm

Reckless driving penalty in VA

I did a search and found out that it is up to 1 yr in jail, $2500, and six points

Posted By: USA
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 1:17pm
Originally posted by wdossel
July'02 IIRC. In VA 20+ over the limit OR 80 mph will garner a reckless driving ticket.

Except in a 35 mph zone, where 60 mph is reckless. Otherwise you have it correct. Not sure why they wrote the statute that way--what makes 35 so special?

Posted By: argentinian_belle
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 1:32pm
for those of you who have been driving over 70 mph... can you tell me where this I-95 is??? the drivers on the I-95 that I been on haven't been moving over 50 mph in a looooong time.

Posted By: glacier
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 1:34pm
Ever seen a circa 1970's American sled navigate even moderate turns over 35? Not a pretty site and there a still a few on the roads.

But they shur do lok peerty.



Posted By: wdossel
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 1:44pm
Originally posted by glacier
[br]Ever seen a circa 1970's American sled navigate even moderate turns over 35? Not a pretty site and there a still a few on the roads.

But they shur do lok peerty.



Been there, done that and it wasn't pretty [:0] -- but boy I sure learned about understeer* ('70 Mustang @ 17 years of age, a long time ago).

- Will

* For the NA$CAR fans in the audience, understeer = push...

Posted By: jenna703
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 2:02pm
Originally posted by vabigblue
Originally posted by jenna703
[br]Actually, I think HOV lanes on 95 are, we should at least go 75-80...that's what I did today! I picked up 3 people and my first experience picking up sluggers was great. Thank you nice, quiet and helpful sluggers! I hope you enjoyed listening to the smooth tones of wtopnews.

Originally posted by ScarletLSG
[br]I'm one of those Hybrid drivers ... I drive a 2003 Honda Civic Hybrid. WOULDN'T I LOVE TO SLUG. My commute is from Quantico to Dulles ... certainly not condusive to ANY public transportation or slugging. My Hybrid FLIES though ... and most of the 2003s and 2004s are the same. I can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose. Though I'm wondering why you are upset about people driving 70 ... when the speed limit is 65 or less?


Come on, you've got to be joking. The limit on any stretch of 95/HOV is 65. If you continue to drive 75 and 80, you're putting a lot of people at risk. Think safety first.

going 75 at 65? I don't think that is reckless...I don't weave through lanes...I just cruise. Please can be driving wacko at 65 or lower...I think it depends on the situation.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 2:07pm
EXACTLY!!! Maybe I'm in the minority ... but if I'm driving 60+ mph on ANY road in the Washington DC metro area - 95N/S - Beltway - 66E/W, I consider myself in HOG HEAVEN. 60 mph means that I get to or from work in just under an hour!! Whooooooo hooooooooo. When I see someone SCREAM past me going 75-80 mph ... I try to predict how soon an accident will happen BECAUSE of that yahoo and how long it will end up taking me to get home BECAUSE of that accident!!!


Originally posted by argentinian_belle
[br]for those of you who have been driving over 70 mph... can you tell me where this I-95 is??? the drivers on the I-95 that I been on haven't been moving over 50 mph in a looooong time.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 2:09pm
AND STILL ... nothing I can do about it but follow the law ... with my dirty little hybrid.

Originally posted by Wagonman
Originally posted by ScarletLSG

While MANY people don't agree with the hybrid laws, it was the people of Virginia who elected the officials that made the laws.

See ya'll in the morning.


Too bad the people that got elected can't follow Federal law.... Instead they pass these stupid exemption laws for cars that don't deserve an exemption under Federal law because they are too dirty.

Posted By: glacier
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 3:03pm

Please excuse my ignorance, I could not figure it out from your prior posts, but do you pick-up slugs? Thanks.



Posted By: USA
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2004 at 4:04pm
I don't think 80 mph is per se unsafe on the express lanes; I don't think 65 mph is the maximum safe speed there either. I think it depends on the time and conditions. If I leave work at 7:30 PM, I often find that 81 mph (i.e., 130 km/h) is a good cruising speed--but I don't try to force it, either, if traffic won't allow that speed. People exceeding the speed limit are not necessarily the problem. The people who weave in and out to try to force others to accommodate their preferred speed are the real problem. Like I read in a book once--if the right lane is full of people doing 65, and the left lane is full of people doing 80, you will not be able to do 73. Either slow down and move right, or speed up and move left.

There are places I've driven in Virginia (mainly Southside) where 90 mph is not unreasonable if the weather is nice. There are also places where I won't go above 30 mph (like my neighborhood, notwithstanding people who try to go 50 there).

Posted By: FromWoodbridge
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 3:17pm
The lady I rode with today from Horner Rd. was going too slow in the left lane, and got upset when people were practically cutting her off to pass her. She was annoying the hell out of me because the left lane is the fast lane! She was barely going over 65, but as an instructor told me in driving school (I like to go fast!), as a driver, you aren't the cop. If you don't like people going fast, then get off the road. But people going too slow when traffic is whizzing by cause problems.

Posted By: avalanche22
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 4:06pm
Yes that is correct. wdossel is right. 20 + is reckless driving. The police also have the option of towing your car if you are caught going faster.

Posted By: pb1974
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 4:21pm
20mph over the limit and anything over 80mph is reckless. I learned that the hard way. And having to drive on 95 every day and seeing just about everyone and their mother go over 80 (including truckers [:(!] ) - I am STILL bitter about it.

Originally posted by avalanche22
[br]Yes that is correct. wdossel is right. 20 + is reckless driving. The police also have the option of towing your car if you are caught going faster.

Posted By: aceofspade
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 5:09pm
If you are in the left lane, and someone is tailgating or wants to pass, just get over and let them do it.

- Failure to give way in favor of overtaking vehicle (3 points)

Those who go slow in the left lane are not allowing others to pass, are hindering traffic flow, and are failing to yield. It's 3 points on your license for such behavior, FYI.

Posted By: USA
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 5:30pm
Reckless is not always 20 mph over or 80 mph. In a 35 mph zone, 55 is not enough to be reckless even though it's 20 over--for some reason, in a 35 zone 60 mph is the threshold.

The reckless isn't necessarily automatic even if you do go that fast. I was in court one time and a case ahead of mine involved someone who got a ticket for going 98 mph on I-66 west of Fair Oaks late at night. The judge asked the cop why he didn't write a reckless and the cop said that he didn't feel that the driver was putting himself or anyone else in danger because the road was clear. I say good for that cop!

Posted By: aceofspade
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 5:42pm
That is a good cop, USA. Honest, too.

I attended a Communications Seminar, and the speaker told us how he wears a clown nose when he drives. He makes it a habit to do so, right after he buckles up. Why? To alleviate road rage, the other drivers see the nose and usually will burst out laughing.

But the question is, I wonder if he can successfully pick up slugs wearing that nose...

Posted By: Bob
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 5:45pm
Speeding is a rampant problem in this area and the type of attitude that we are seeing on this message board really shows what we are dealing with. This shows how bad the disparity is between those who try to be at least close to the limits and those who just think everyone else is and idiot for not going 80. Unbelievable.

One other point. Even if you think it is safe to go 80, it is incredibly rude to subject your slugs to that. How about thinking about someone other than your self for a change.

Posted By: aceofspade
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 6:29pm
take a deep breath there, and stay to the right.

Posted By: Luvmyhybrid
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 8:20pm
Originally posted by harlean
[br]Hybrids that go 65 and below, and equally slow moving other vehicles should always stay in the right lane. It's common courtesy. Either that or stop stalling traffic and hurry up.

ScarletLSG, since you say you "can easily accelerate to 80, if I choose," pray tell why don't you? Other than gas consumption, is there another viable reason why Hybrids don't like to speed up? I have been asking myself that question since I saw my first Hybrid stalling traffic on the HOVs.

I agree with FromWoodbridge, all traffic on the left lane should go at least 75. And if a slow poke from the right lane moves to the left lane - speed up and don't hold up traffic.

I also agree with SlugginFool, there ARE "too many Hybrids out there." They are not welcome on the HOV lanes and should not be allowed use them - unless they fulfill the 3 persons per vehicle rule AND don't impede the flow of traffic. Otherwise they can go to the regular lanes that move just as slow.

"Poking" in the left lane and blaming it on Hybrids is like saying, the only reason the HOVs are crowded is BECAUSE of Hybrids. Huh, seems to me (us), I notice a gazillion (and yes, I hear that IS in fact a word) different models and makes of vehicles in the HOVs on a daily basis. And, while in your opinion, Hybrids are "not welcome on the HOV", in VA they are legal on the HOV. Spend your time/energy on something that to me sounds more constructive.

Posted By: Luvmyhybrid
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2004 at 8:26pm
Originally posted by JiggaJynx
[br]It's the middle of a three-day weekend...relax! LMH, you seem to be very unhappy on this forum, to the point of telling everyone, in effect, to shut up. Sorry, but commuting is a frustrating task, and this message board is a safe place to vent. And just because "...we wouldn't allow our children [t]o complain as much as some of you do," doesn't mean they don't complain to people who will listen to them vent about their frustrations.

No, I certainly am (or was ) very happy during my 4-day weekend, but I appreciate your concern. My point (and apparently, you missed it) was that there's always a POSTIVE for every NEGATIVE...I was having a great time trying to offer up POSITIVE solutions....sorry if you took it as venting frustrations....oh wait, that's what this website is for. [;)]

Posted By: pb1974
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 9:06am
Actually, I have to disagree with you USA (unless you are in law enforcement and therefore would know better than I). When I received my ticket, I did a lot of research on VA law, and reckless driving clearly encompassed driving 20mph over the limit. I took a quick look on the VA DMV site and this is what it said: Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years); Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit (11 years). The years are the number of years that the points stay on your record.

You're right that it is the officer's discretion whether they give you reckless or not. I applaud the cop who did not give that person a reckless ticket (although 98 sure sounds too high to me). When I received my ticket for doing 84 in a 65, I was passing someone who continuously kept pace with my car, and I needed to get off at the next exit. When I retained a lawyer, apparently this particular cop is infamous in Stafford County for giving people reckless tickets. I have cops in my immediate family, but traffic cops are not too high in my book.

And sorry to those who disagree with me, but I CAN do 80 safely. I know the limits of my car, I know how to gauge traffic, I know how to leave a safe distance, etc. It is the idiots who go fast when weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off, who need to be punished.

Oh, and BTW (in response to another post), I am a rider, not a driver. I do not subject anyone to anything.

Posted By: USA
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 10:26am
I am not in law enforcement, but I can refer you to Va. Code 46.2-862, "Exceeding Speed Limit," which provides as follows. Item (ii) is the one to which I was referring before. You can find the statute at

"A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit where the applicable speed limit is thirty miles per hour or less, (ii) at a speed of sixty miles per hour or more where the applicable maximum speed limit is thirty-five miles per hour, (iii) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limits where the applicable maximum speed limit is forty miles per hour or more, or (iv) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit."

Originally posted by pb1974
[br]Actually, I have to disagree with you USA (unless you are in law enforcement and therefore would know better than I). When I received my ticket, I did a lot of research on VA law, and reckless driving clearly encompassed driving 20mph over the limit. I took a quick look on the VA DMV site and this is what it said: Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years); Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit (11 years). The years are the number of years that the points stay on your record.

Posted By: pb1974
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 10:40am
I stand corrected. Thanks for doing the research - I was too lazy. [8)]

Originally posted by USA
[br]I am not in law enforcement, but I can refer you to Va. Code 46.2-862, "Exceeding Speed Limit," which provides as follows. Item (ii) is the one to which I was referring before. You can find the statute at

"A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit where the applicable speed limit is thirty miles per hour or less, (ii) at a speed of sixty miles per hour or more where the applicable maximum speed limit is thirty-five miles per hour, (iii) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limits where the applicable maximum speed limit is forty miles per hour or more, or (iv) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit."

Originally posted by pb1974
[br]Actually, I have to disagree with you USA (unless you are in law enforcement and therefore would know better than I). When I received my ticket, I did a lot of research on VA law, and reckless driving clearly encompassed driving 20mph over the limit. I took a quick look on the VA DMV site and this is what it said: Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years); Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit (11 years). The years are the number of years that the points stay on your record.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 11:35am

I HAVE picked up slugs at Pentagon and dropped at PM during my evening commute. Rarely do I pick up in the morning, as I generally don't go IN to work until after 9:00 a.m. Why do you ask?


Originally posted by glacier

Please excuse my ignorance, I could not figure it out from your prior posts, but do you pick-up slugs? Thanks.



Posted By: dietzf
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 2:13pm
We're getting off-topic a little here, seems to me. As we debate how to go about getting cited for reckless driving, the HOV lanes continue to be clogged every morning. This morning, when we got on at 6:50, it was backed up for several miles for no apparent reason.

At some point, we are going to need VDOT to do a study to find out why. My view is that there are three main causes: Hybrids are multiplying like rabbits, DC cops and detectives who live in VA use the HOV lanes by themselves in violation of the law (who's going to ticket them? Another police officer? I don't think so), and people who refuse to keep up and/or get over. The only one that we might be able to do something about is hybrids. People will not keep up or get over no matter what anybody says. If you read these threads, you will find argument after argument why they will not/should not, which just blows my mind.

Posted By: Stuck2
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 4:23pm
Basically, people are multiplying like rabbits around here. And when there's one hang up (someone doing the dreaded speed limit in the right OR left lane, or a bus, or a rubber necker, or poor out-of-towner who has no idea what's up), traffic backs up because everyone believes it's their inherent right to be the only ones on the road and that they are the only ones who have to get to work on time. Got to be calm on the road -- real hard when there's 6:00 / 6:30 day care deadlines, soccer games, lessons to get to. But are you better off hurt/killed because of an accident that could have been prevented?

The population in the south has skyrocketed but the roads and the rest of the mass transit system pretty much haven't changed. So, the more people that pour onto the road, trains, buses, the slower things will go. It's elementary. You don't have to like it and it might mean you have to leave earlier to get to work, but what are you really going to do about it? Call your Congressman and say "hey, let's do something." Well, he'll just say "we cut the budget!" Maybe move? But to where? It's like this where ever the "paying" jobs are found!

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2004 at 10:10pm

You are RIGHT ON!!! I think that the big picture must be looked at. The Washington, DC metro area has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the COUNTRY. What was once standard population growth is multiplying because there ARE jobs here. As more military bases close, more military personnel are transferred to this area. Those temporary citizens end up retiring or getting out at contract limits because there ARE jobs here for them. Now they are permanent residents.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. I cannot tell you how much I would LOVE to get up, sit on a train and arrive at work. I wouldn't mind making a transfer -- maybe two. But from Quantico to Reston, I have a few BAD options. Take the VRE to a metro to a bus. OVERALL TIME 2.25 hours each way, minimum. Drive to Springfield, take the blue to the orange to a bus ... overall time 2.5 hours minimum EACH WAY. I could move north ... oh wait, enlisted military housing allowance doesn't come CLOSE to paying a mortgage or rent anywhere north of Dumfries.

The answer is BETTER and MORE public transportation. I love going to NYC and zipping around on the subway. Boston also has a good train system. Shoot, even San Diego now has an express train that runs north and south from Oceanside to San Diego.


Posted By: ronin718
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2004 at 8:22am
LSG... What size place are you buying/renting? BAH has gotten a lot better in the last few years, and it's still going up. The current BAH for an E6 with deps is $1758, and that would nearly cover my mortgage on a 4 bdrm sfh on a .2 acre lot in Sterling. There are lots of townhouses in the Reston/Herndon/Sterling area that you could probably afford at that rate. The downside is you're so far from any military facility, but Costco, BJ's, and Sam's work pretty well between Commissary runs.

Now, of course, if you're a really junior EM, then you have my sympathies. This area truly sucks for the young folks. I've said that since my first assignment to the area in 1986.

Posted By: ScarletLSG
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2004 at 8:37am

The BAH rate you quote isn't for Quantico. Quantico's E-6 only receives $1200/month. The problem is that Quantico Marines tend to either live on base or live in Fredericksburg. The higher paid officers might live in Stafford or Woodbridge. When the surveys come around to determine the average rents/mortgages, the BAH is then determined with THOSE cities rents, etc. If we were stationed just 10 miles farther north, at say Ft. Belvoir, our BAH would almost double. Add too this the convenient commissary, cheaper gas, and DOD school system ... and you can see why we choose to live on base.


Originally posted by ronin718
[br]LSG... What size place are you buying/renting? BAH has gotten a lot better in the last few years, and it's still going up. The current BAH for an E6 with deps is $1758, and that would nearly cover my mortgage on a 4 bdrm sfh on a .2 acre lot in Sterling. There are lots of townhouses in the Reston/Herndon/Sterling area that you could probably afford at that rate. The downside is you're so far from any military facility, but Costco, BJ's, and Sam's work pretty well between Commissary runs.

Now, of course, if you're a really junior EM, then you have my sympathies. This area truly sucks for the young folks. I've said that since my first assignment to the area in 1986.

Posted By: tlschau
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2004 at 4:27pm
Originally posted by Dhacim

Let's face the facts here. I'm not sure what HOV/95 you have been driving on...but the speed of traffic out there dictates going at least 70....In fact I would say going less than 70 in most stretches puts you in danger. I had a driver pass me in the narrow shoulder on the left hand side of HOV while I was going 75-80. I think that although the speed limit is 65, traffic dictates that you proceed at a faster pace. Question: Why is it that the only cars I see pulled over on HOV are single passenger violaters.....There isn't much speed enforcement going on out there during rush hour...

This isn't entirely true. I was in a car about 2 months ago and the driver got a ticket for going 80, and there were 3 of us in the car.

Posted By: gj
Date Posted: 06 Jun 2004 at 7:23pm
Originally posted by dietzf
[br]It seems ridiculous to have to ask this, but why, why, WHY can't left lane hogs just get the &%$# over if they are going below the prevailing speed? Why is that so hard? It really isn't a question of whether people should be speeding or not. That is for the police to decide. It really is a question of common courtesy.

Even if I'm going 80 in the left lane on HOV or any other road, I get over if someone comes up behind me. It is not for me to say whether they should be going that fast or not. For all I know, their kid was just in an accident and is clinging to life in some hospital. Probably not, but what if? Just because you feel you have the law on your side, you feel you can just hold everyone up? Well, in Virginia, the speeders have the law on their side, too! That's right - the law is: keep right except to pass. As Dave Barry would say, you could look it up.

Just a little common courtesy would go a long way toward helping us all get where we're going safely. Poking along in the left lane causes a lot of lane shifting behind you, increasing the chance of accidents. If you just got over to the right hand lane and let people go by, you would be safer and so would they (and happier, too).


AMEN dietzf. I couldn't have said it better


Posted By: SlugginFool
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2004 at 6:06pm
Glad that my words have drawn such a response! I heard some great things in this thread. Hybrids are a huge cause of the problem, and those inconspicuous slowdowns always get me riled up. By the way, I got a speeding ticket! Reckless driving, 81 in a 65. So for all you who think I am reckless, I guess you have the facts now! See you in court.

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