Driving Directions
Description: The slug line is located in front of the Hamilton restaurant just a few meters from the bus stop (near the pole that has
OmniRide information on it) at the corner of 14th and F street. Actually,
there are three lines: One for Lake Ridge, another for Dale City, and a
third for Montclair/234. These lines serve as both slug lines and OmniRide
bus lines.
Drivers can only pick up heading south on 14th Street.
Meter parking and parking garages
Metro Station:
Federal Triangle
(Blue and Orange lines), West side of 12th St. between Pennsylvania &
Constitution Aves., NW
OmniRide, Fairfax
Connector, and Metro.
Metrobus routes serving this station:
11Y (on 14th St.); 13A, 13B, 13F, 13G, 13M (on Constitution Ave.); 30,
32, 34, 35, 36 (on Pennsylvania Ave.); 52, 53 (on 14th St.), 54 (on
Pennsylvania Ave. east of 11th); 66, 68 (northbound on 12th St.); A11
(westbound on Pennsylvania Ave. east of 11th — 1 Saturday early AM
trip); J11 (eastbound), J13 (westbound) — (on Pennsylvania Ave. east
of 11th ); N7 (southbound on 12th St.); P1 (on Constitution Ave.), P2
(east side of 10th St. south of Pennsylvania), P6 (on Pennsylvania Ave.
east of 11th, on 11th St. north of Pennsylvania); S2, S4 (northbound on
12th St.); X1 (on Constitution Ave.)