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Last Update: 10/25/2016 6:03:27 AM  
Slug-Lines.com - Slugging and Slug Lines Information For Washington DC
Slug-Lines.com - Slugging and Slug Lines Information For Washington DC
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Old Hechinger's

Location: Woodbridge, at Old Hechinger’s, near the intersection of Old Bridge Road and Gordon Boulevard (Route 123). Approximately 1310 Old Bridge Road, Woodbridge, VA 22192

Description: Operates in the parking lot of where the Old Hechinger’s store use to be before it was demolished. Normally, slugs stand near the bus stop (see map). Drivers pull into the lot from the west from Old Bridge and drive through the lot so that the slugs are on the passenger side.


Map to Old Hechingers

Slug-Lines at Old Hechingers

MapQuest provides a detailed map and driving directions to the Slug Line location.

Driving Directions


Best Hours: 6:00 - 7:00 a.m.—Good
                 7:00 - 8:30 a.m.— Excellent

Drivers: Drivers normally pull into the lot from Old Bridge Road, drive through the lot, then exit onto Route 123, heading south to the HOV.

Parking: Commuter lot. Excellent with 200 new spaces recently added for a total of 594 total spaces. Lot usually fills by 8:00 a.m. 

Metro Station: N/A

Bus: OmniRide.

Returning PM Slug Lines: Pentagon, 15th & NY, 14th & Constitution

Hint for Riders:  There is now a returning slug line that forms at the National Aquarium just around the corner from Penn on 14th Street! Or, if a driver calls for Tackett’s Mill, ask if you can get off at Old Hechinger’s before you get into the car. Since it is on the way, most drivers will not object as long as you ask before accepting the ride.

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